Shopping center design

You have plans to build a large shopping center? You still haven't decided on the idea of the shopping center design? You need to create an authentic, but at the same time business atmosphere in the premises? You need help of a designer and an architect who could bring all your ideas to life?

For creating an effective design project, it is necessary to have the commercial design skills, be aware of the current trends in retail, as well as know the ways and methods of emotional influence on the mass-market customer.


You need help of a designer and an architect who could bring all your ideas to life? In this case, you may rely on our Olga Mudryakova Interior Design Studio. We have enough skills and knowledge to implement all your plans - our work will allow you to build your dream shopping center!

A professional design project developed by our employees allows you to effectively advance in your field. Our employees have many years of experience - all employees are qualified professionals in the field of design who know how to think creatively, listen to and implement the wishes of our clients. We are able to develop a unique interior for any premises. With our help, visitors to your shopping center will always be glad that they have decided to go for shopping exactly to you.

What services do we offer to our clients?

  1. Development of a design project, taking into account the ideas of the client
  2. Completely independent creation of a design project by the experienced professionals
  3. Design layout development
  4. Our experts are ready to select for your project the appropriate construction materials, furniture, decorative fixtures and accessories necessary for each shopping center.
  5. Do you have any questions about your project? We may consult you.

For ensuring the smooth development of the interior in the shopping center, rely on the experts who know how to drive your shopping center to success!

Planning is an important aspect of the project design

What should be taken into account when developing a shopping center design project?

  • The purpose of each shopping center is to provide customers with an opportunity to offer products in a profitable and efficient manner.
  • Conformity to the shopping center profile
  • Not only customers should feel comfortable in the building, but also the employees of the shopping center
  • People prefer modern shopping and entertainment centers, so the building should have modern and attractive exterior and interior.

These are only the most important factors which should be taken into account first of all. However, there are also many important details that should be considered. In the design development it is necessary to take into account everything, even the slightest details:

  1. Design should have a properly selected color palette
  2. Premises should be divided into functional areas
  3. Opportunities for effective advertising campaigns should be created
  4. Necessary furniture and all equipment required for a shopping center should be selected
  5. It is important to create the image of a shopping center - the chic interior of the building will help here

Should our client be not satisfied with something when planning a design project, we may make the necessary adjustments. We are not eager just to deliver the project, our task is to create what the client wants.

The shopping center does not act as a regular site for the sale of products. Shopping centers allow you to continuously increase the growth of the retail chain. But for this growth you need a professional design attracting visitors who come back for shopping exactly to you.